Leduc & District Victim Assistance Society will mark the end of our independent victim service society (LDVAS) after over 30 years of serving those who have experienced crime or trauma in our communities.
We welcome you to transition to the new regional model where the focus remains on the needs of the victims. Under the new model, there will be four independent but integrated Regional Victim Serving Societies within Alberta, divided up into the Central, Eastern, Western and Southern regions.
All clients will have the opportunity to consent to having their information transferred securely to the new model, to continue receiving support. The new regional societies will be in full operations by September 3rd, 2024.
Any questions regarding the new model, can be directed to info@carvss.ca
If you have any questions related to the dissolution of LDVAS or your personal file, please phone 780-980-7232.
Thank you.
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